All FPF Resources

Want additional resources? Check out our full resource search engine, with links to over 500 student privacy resources tagged by audience, type of resource, and topics.
Designed to help school and district leaders communicate about student privacy, the toolkit includes high-level best practices and template communications mate…
Las preguntas sobre cuándo las escuelas o los proveedores de servicios externos pueden revelar información personal de los estudiantes a las fuerzas del orden …
Questions about when schools or third-party service providers are allowed to disclose student personal information to law enforcement can be complex. This docu…
FPF's 2015 parent survey investigates prevailing attitudes towards the emerging use of technology and data in education and children’s deepening online presenc…
Want additional resources? Check out our full resource search engine, with links to over 500 student privacy resources tagged by audience, type of resource, and topics.