All FPF Resources

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Our new FAQs describe how K-12 and higher education administrators and educators can protect student privacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How can schools make privacy part of their safety plans? The Future of Privacy Forum’s new animated video explores some technologies that schools use or are co…
Today, forty education, privacy, disability rights, and civil rights organizations released ten principles for school safety to protect all students’ privacy, …
Learn how to create a good passphrase, and, more importantly, how to create different passphrases across different websites/apps that you can actually remember.
As you send your child off to start a new school year, you may have questions about how your child's teachers are using new technologies, such as tablets, comp…
Want additional resources? Check out our full resource search engine, with links to over 500 student privacy resources tagged by audience, type of resource, and topics.