All FPF Resources

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Student data privacy and data ethics are essential topics that should be included in School Leader training and professional development. School Leaders' very …
This primer explains the concepts of student data, including who uses the data and why they use it; data privacy in general; student data privacy; student data…
Teachers interact with large amounts of student data every day to perform their job duties. In these interactions, teachers make decisions that impact which st…
As educators and school leaders return to campus after two years of significant upheaval and loss, many are prioritizing efforts focused on students’ well-bein…
The school shutdowns prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to significant concerns about students’ loss of both academic and social-emotional learning. A …
Privacy statements are relatively new and often not incorporated into higher education course syllabi, even as the need for such statements has increased. In t…
Want additional resources? Check out our full resource search engine, with links to over 500 student privacy resources tagged by audience, type of resource, and topics.