All FPF Resources

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This primer explains the concepts of student data, including who uses the data and why they use it; data privacy in general; student data privacy; student data…
The school shutdowns prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to significant concerns about students’ loss of both academic and social-emotional learning. A …
Schools and higher education institutions nationwide continue to navigate complicated decisions about in-person, remote, and hybrid learning models as the COVI…
Schools are responsible for keeping students safe, but they also need to balance safety measures with privacy protections. When emergencies happen, schools may…
This tool, a companion to FPF's "Quick Privacy Tips for Vendors," is designed to provide a simple baseline of security principles and practices as an ed tech b…
Want additional resources? Check out our full resource search engine, with links to over 500 student privacy resources tagged by audience, type of resource, and topics.