All FPF Resources
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Privacy statements are relatively new and often not incorporated into higher education course syllabi, even as the need for such statements has increased. In t…
IntroducciónEn todo el país, nuestro sistema educativo K-12 depende cada vez más de la recopilación de datos, la tecnología y las herramientas en línea para id…
Designed to help school and district leaders communicate about student privacy, the toolkit includes high-level best practices and template communications mate…
COVID-19 has placed districts, schools, and educators in unprecedented circumstances as they balance health concerns, academic responsibilities, and equity con…
Today, twenty-five education, healthcare, disability rights, civil liberties, and data protection organizations released ten principles for student privacy and…
COVID-19 has disrupted education and has forced schools to pivot quickly to a distance learning approach, which is often virtual. Using virtual learning produc…
Want additional resources? Check out our full resource search engine, with links to over 500 student privacy resources tagged by audience, type of resource, and topics.