- Video
Intersection of FERPA and IDEA Confidentiality Provisions – Webinar Recording
Jun 14, 2019Learn MoreThis webinar, published by the Privacy Technical Assistance Center, goes over the intersection of FERPA and IDEA confidentiality provisions.
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9 Steps to Privacy: The Right to Seek to Amend under FERPA
May 7, 2019David Sallay and Amelia VanceLearn MoreThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) grants parents and eligible students* the right to seek to amend student records that are inaccurate, mis…
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11 Steps to Privacy: The Right to Inspect and Review under FERPA
Apr 29, 2019David Sallay and Amelia VanceLearn MoreThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) grants parents and eligible students the right to inspect and review education records and to receive an …
- Video
FERPA Training Videos for Teachers
Apr 19, 2019Learn MoreThe Utah State Board of Education has put together a series of videos intended to train educators on FERPA. These comical, short clips are extremely helpful fo…
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Student Privacy Course
Apr 15, 2019Learn MoreThrough this course, participants will become familiar with topics related to student privacy. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) re…
FERPA for School Resource Officers & Law Enforcement Officials
Apr 15, 2019Learn MoreSo, what does FERPA mean to School Resource Officers (SROs) or Law Enforcement Officers (LEs)? What access do School Resource Officers (SROs) or Law Enforcemen…
- Report
Department of Education: Student Information Privacy Review
Apr 7, 2019Learn MoreThe purpose of this review was to evaluate the adequacy of DOE’s ability to meet its privacy commitments and stated practices in accordance with generally acce…
- Model, Webinar
FERPA Interactive Whiteboard
Apr 5, 2019Learn MoreThe FERPA Interactive Whiteboard (~5.5 minutes) is a highly-interactive computer-based module that succinctly summarizes the Family Educational Rights and Priv…
Disclosing Student Information During School Emergencies: A Primer for Schools
Dec 28, 2018Chanda Marlowe, Sara Collins, and Amelia VanceLearn MoreSchools are responsible for keeping students safe, but they also need to balance safety measures with privacy protections. When emergencies happen, schools may…
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Colorado AG Formal Opinion on FERPA
Jan 11, 2018Cynthia H. CoffmanLearn MoreThis report from the State of Colorado Department of Law, written by Attorney General Cynthia H. Coffman, provides general guidance on FERPA. Further, it addre…
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Guía para padres sobre la privacidad de datos del estudiante
Oct 17, 2017Learn MoreVivimos en un mundo que cada vez está más conectado, en el que la información fluye entre nosotros, las organizaciones y las compañías con las que tenemos trat…
Acceso de las fuerzas del orden a los registros de los estudiantes
Sep 25, 2017Amelia Vance y Sarah WilliamsonLearn MoreLas preguntas sobre cuándo las escuelas o los proveedores de servicios externos pueden revelar información personal de los estudiantes a las fuerzas del orden …