Module 1 – Protecting Student Privacy
There will be two separate webinars for the March module. Register for your group’s webinar below. If you are not certain which group you belong to, email ttt@fpf.org. Review the resources below and complete the Module 1 Activities by March 17th.
Email ttt@fpf.org if you have questions.
Follow Up
- NASBE, Protecting Privacy of School Directory Information
- U.S. DOE SPPO, PPRA Complaint Form
For missed webinars, watch the recording and send a paragraph (3-4 sentences) summarizing what you have learned to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 1 Webinar”.
For missed assignments, email your completed individual activities and discussion group responses to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 1 Individual Activity/Group Discussion”.
CLE Update
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Kansas
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Utah
Reciprocal Course Approval/Approved Jurisdiction
- California
- Connecticut
- Maine
- Mississippi
- New York
Last updated August 14, 2020.
Webinar Registration
There will be two separate webinars for the March module. Register for your group’s webinar below. If you are not certain which group you belong to, email ttt@fpf.org.
Individual Activities
- Download Module 1 Activities
- Complete the Federal Student Privacy Laws Overview Chart with the target audience, purpose, and whether or not parental notification and consent are required for the federal laws listed (FERPA, PPRA, COPPA, and CIPA).
- Review the College Board’s SAT Student Data Questionnaire and complete the PPRA Exercise by indicating which questions are covered by PPRA and identify which sensitive issues are implicated and necessitate parental consent.
- Email your completed Module 1 Activities to ttt@fpf.org by March 17th and be prepared to discuss during our webinar.
Group Discussion
- Explore the following Utah’s Student Data Privacy videos.
- Consider the following questions and post your answer to one or both in your group’s channel (#sea-lea, #lawyers, or #teacher-prep) in Slack.
- What is something new you learned through the videos?
- Which video was the most helpful to your role and why?
- Choose one video and describe where and how in your current role you could leverage the video. Be specific about your audience, means of communication, and follow up activities.
- Respond in threads to the person who posted before and after you giving feedback on their idea and providing additional strategies prior to the webinar.
- Please post your answer in your group’s channel (#sea-lea, #lawyers, or #teacher-prep) no later than March 17th.
Please refer to these resources to complete the activities and prepare for the webinar.
- The Federal Role in Safeguarding Student Data
- Overview of All Laws
- Overview for Educators
- Video (recommended, not required)
- Federal Student Privacy Laws for EdTech: FERPA and PPRA (recommended, not required)