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Top 10 Student Privacy Tips for Educators
May 12, 2017Learn MoreThis guide is for educators who wish to better understand their obligations under the variety of student privacy statutes.
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Personal Information Protections By Law (Protected PII Table)
May 12, 2017Learn MoreThis chart provides an overview of what types of personally identifiable information are protected by various federal and state student privacy laws.
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FERPA 101 for Educators
May 12, 2017Learn MoreThis is a guide for educators regarding FERPA, student data privacy, and is intended to help educators consider ways to build parent confidence about education…
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Data Stewardship: Managing PII in Electronic Student Education Records
May 12, 2017Learn MoreAdministrators and data managers can help ensure the protection of personally identifiable information in the student records they maintain by developing and i…
- News Article
Tattoos, Tickets, and Other Tawdry Behavior: How Universities Use Federal Law to Hide Their Scandals,
May 12, 2017Mary Margaret PenroseLearn MoreThis article hopes to argue for a change in the dynamic that means schools' inverted resort to FERPA is not truly to advance "student privacy," but rather a co…
- News Article
Educational Privacy in the Online Classroom: FERPA, MOOCs, and the Big Data Conundrum
May 11, 2017Elise YoungLearn MoreFERPA is so dated that when confronted with a technology that can collect and use big data, like MOOCs, the statute practically breaks down. This article exami…
- News Article
Taking HIPAA to School: Why the Privacy Rule Has Eviscerated FERPA’s Privacy Protections
May 11, 2017Gregory RiggsLearn MoreThis article outlines school social workers’ recordkeeping requirements, focusing on access and disclosure procedures designed to maintain an appropriate level…
- News Article, Website
Student Privacy 101: Health Privacy in Schools – What Law Applies?
May 11, 2017Robert Gellman and Pam DixonLearn MoreWhether your records are covered under HIPAA or FERPA — or in some cases are not covered under any law — can be a challenging question to answer in some instan…
- News Article
Dismantling a Dual-Headed System of Governance: How a Regulatory Overlap Undercuts the Security of Student Health Information in Public Schools
May 11, 2017Bryan ThurmondLearn MoreThis article argues that regulating student health information through two separate federal statutes further monitored by two separate administrative agencies …
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Foster Care and Education Q&A
May 11, 2017Learn MoreThis Q&A document addresses how recent changes to FERPA can help child welfare agencies gain access to school records.
- Webinar
The Uninterrupted Scholars Act: How Schools Can Share Information about Foster Children with Child Welfare Agencies
May 11, 2017Learn MoreThis article is geared towards schools to provide them guidance on how they can provide information to child welfare agencies with existing privacy laws, inclu…
- Report
Summary and Analysis of the Data Privacy Provisions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Proposed Head Start Performance Standard
May 11, 2017Learn MoreOn June 19, 2015, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) seeking public comment on proposed ch…