Module 6 – Safeguarding Data Security
- Explore the risks of data security compromises.
- Review best practices as well as possible policies and procedures to protect student data.
- Build elements into action plans and portfolios that address data security.
- Cyberattacks for educational institutions are on the rise.
- Schools and school systems are vulnerable due to limited resources.
- There are policies and procedures that should be proactively instituted to protect student privacy.
- Register for the webinar on Friday, August 21st 12:00 – 1:30 PM ET.
- Complete the individual activities by Monday, August 17th.
- Complete the group activities by Wednesday, August 19th.
- Email ttt@fpf.org if you have questions.
Follow Up
For missed webinars, watch the recording and send a paragraph (3-4 sentences) summarizing what you have learned to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 6 Webinar”.
For missed assignments, email your completed individual activities and discussion group responses to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 6 Individual Activity/Group Discussion”.
Webinar Registration
Register for the webinar below. Please note that registration is required to join.
- Holly Brady, Senior Counsel, Governance, Compliance and Employment, Altria Client Services
- Tanya Forsheit, Partner, Chair, Privacy and Data Security Group, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz
- Kirk Nahra, Co-Chair, Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice, WilmerHale
Individual Activities
- Review NSBA’s Data Security for Schools: A Legal and Policy Guide for School Boards
- Review State Data Security Breach Notification Laws (Appendix A, pg. 16)
- Find the data breach law citation for your state (If there is not one for your state, pick a nearby state).
- Look up the law.
- In your own words, provide an overview of your state’s data breach law.
- Review FAQ #4, “What kinds of data security policies and procedures should a district have in place?” (pg. 9)
- Which of these policies and procedures does your organization have in place?
- Of the policies and procedures not in place in your organization, which do you feel is most urgently needed?
- What role can you play in ensuring these policies and procedures are in place in your organization or in the organizations you serve?
- Review State Data Security Breach Notification Laws (Appendix A, pg. 16)
- Email your completed Module 6 Activities in a Word or PDF document to ttt@fpf.org by Monday, August 17th and be prepared to discuss during our webinar.
Group Discussion
- Read the article “Cyberattacks Increasingly Threaten Schools – Here’s What to Know”
- Which of the reasons presented for the increase in cyberattacks do you see in the school systems you support?
- What can you do to help address these issues?
- Review one of the additional resources below.
- Compose a short, one to two sentence review of the resource.
- For example, here is my review for NSBA’s Data Security for Schools: A Legal and Policy Guide for School Boards document: “FAQ-styled document with clear, concise policies and procedures as well as a state-by-state list of data breach laws.”
- Which, if any, of these resources will you add to your portfolio?
- Compose a short, one to two sentence review of the resource.
- Post your answers to your group’s channel (#sea-lea, #lawyers, or #teacher-prep) no later than Wednesday, August 19th.
- Please respond to others as they post.
Additional Resources
School or System Level Resources:
- PTAC, Data Breach Response Checklist
- PTAC, Data Breach Training Kit
- PTAC, Data Security Checklist
Teacher or Administrator Level Resources:
- FPF, Easy Tips for Keeping Student Data Safe When Taking Your Work Home breaks down basic security steps for securing your “classroom on the cloud”.
- FPF, 3 Easy Ways for Educators to Keep Online Accounts Secure discusses the importance of enabling two-factor authentication and passphrases.
- FPF, 3 Easy Steps for Educators to Make a Secure Passphrase underscores the importance of using passphrases rather than passwords and provides easy to follow tips on creating memorable passphrases.
- FPF, Sniffers and Snoopers and Hackers, Oh My! Protecting Yourself from the Risks of Public Wi-Fi provides teachers with quick tips on how to safely connect to public Wi-Fi.
COVID-19 Resources:
- CoSN, Cybersecurity Considerations in a COVID-19 World covers precautions to avoid scams, protection of district equipment and data, online learning security basics, and questions to consider when leveraging video-enabled teleconferencing.
- FPF, Cyberattacks Leverage Fear of Coronavirus: How Educators Can Prepare and Respond provides educators tips on spotting, handling, and protecting against phishing attacks.