Module 4 – Sharing Data
- Compare and contrast FERPA exceptions.
- Select the correct exception for various situations.
- Identify FERPA required elements of a data sharing agreement and recommended elements.
- Locate resources to assist in drafting data sharing agreements.
- Register for the webinar on Thursday, June 18th 2-3:30 PM ET.
- Review the resources below and complete the Module 4 Activities by June 12th.
- Email ttt@fpf.org if you have questions.
Follow Up
For missed webinars, watch the recording and send a paragraph (3-4 sentences) summarizing what you have learned to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 4 Webinar”.
For missed assignments, email your completed individual activities and discussion group responses to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 4 Individual Activity/Group Discussion”.
CLE Update
CLE Materials
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Kansas
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Utah
Reciprocal Course Approval/Approved Jurisdiction
- California
- Connecticut
- Maine
- Mississippi
- New York
Last updated August 14, 2020.
Webinar Registration
Register for the webinar below. Please note that registration is required to join.
Individual Activities
- Review PTAC’s FERPA Exception Chart and FPF’s FERPA Permitted Data Sharing Chart.
- Determine the appropriate exception for the following scenarios.
- Scenario 1: The state education agency (SEA) in State Pretend participates in the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program. By accepting funds under the SFSF program, the SEA agreed to collect and publish various data, including data on students’ success in college (such as whether they enrolled in remedial courses). The SEA has data on State Pretend high school graduates because it has a functioning K-12 statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) and wants to provide its high schools with information on how their graduates are doing at the postsecondary level. To prepare the feedback reports, however, the SEA needs to match data on State Pretend’s public high school graduates with data from State Pretend’s public institutions of higher education (IHEs). The SEA wishes to obtain these data yearly, and house the data in its SLDS so that it can conduct an ongoing evaluation and produce annual individual high school feedback reports.
- Scenario 2: Anywhere District has a new superintendent that believes strongly in data-driven decision making. After a long arduous request for proposal (RFP) process, information technology staff have chosen a data warehouse and dashboard product. This warehouse will contain all data collected and calculated for all schools in the district.
- Determine the appropriate exception for the following scenarios.
- Read The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: Guidance for Reasonable Methods and Written Agreements.
- Use a T-chart labeled “Same” and “Different” to illustrate the similarities and differences between the studies and audit/evaluation exceptions.
- The article stated that FERPA is the “floor as opposed to the ceiling” when it comes to protecting privacy.
- Create a vertical continuum. Label the top of the continuum “ceiling” and the bottom of the continuum “floor”.
- Indicate which of the 15 best practices for written agreements included in the above article are closer to the floor and which are closer to the ceiling, by placing them on this image.
- Email your completed Module 4 Activities in a Word or PDF document to ttt@fpf.org by June 12th and be prepared to discuss during our webinar.
Group Discussion
Determine what, if any, laws your state has that impact the drafting of data sharing agreements?
Please post your answer in your group’s channel (#sea-lea, #lawyers, or #teacher-prep) no later than June 12th.
Please respond to others as they post.
Find a data sharing agreement that your institution has used and turn it into a template data sharing agreement (which you can include in your portfolio).
Please post your answer in your group’s channel (#sea-lea, #lawyers, or #teacher-prep) no later than June 12th.
Please respond to others as they post.