Module 2 – Defining Data
There will be two separate webinars for Module 2. Register for your group’s webinar below. If you are not certain which group you belong to, email ttt@fpf.org. Review the resources below and complete the Module 2 Activities by April 13th.
Email ttt@fpf.org if you have questions.
Follow Up
LAW (CLE credit pending)
Additional Resources
- FPF, De-Identification & Student Data
- FPF, A Visual Guide to Practical Data De-Identification
- All4Ed, Ensuring Equity in ESSA: The Role of N-Size in Subgroup Accountability
- Safe Schools/Healthy Students, The Importance of Disaggregating Student Data
- AccessNow, Understanding Differential Privacy and Why It Matters for Digital Rights
For missed webinars, watch the recording and send a paragraph (3-4 sentences) summarizing what you have learned to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 2 Webinar”.
For missed assignments, email your completed individual activities and discussion group responses to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 2 Individual Activity/Group Discussion”.
CLE Update
CLE Materials
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Kansas
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Utah
Reciprocal Course Approval/Approved Jurisdiction
- California
- Connecticut
- Maine
- Mississippi
- New York
Last updated August 14, 2020.
Webinar Registration
There will be two separate webinars for the March module. Register for your group’s webinar below. If you are not certain which group you belong to, email ttt@fpf.org.
Individual Activities
- Download Module 2 Activities
- Review CASE STUDY #5: Minimizing Access to PII: Best Practices for Access Controls and Disclosure Avoidance Techniques and plot direct identifiers, indirect identifiers, identifiable data, de-identified data, individual level data, aggregate data, and sensitive data on the graph.
- Review the scenario and answer the related question.
- For the lawyers: You have to defend a case where a state agency used suppression in alignment with federal guidance documents and the public wants the unsuppressed document. How do you build your case? How do you help the judge understand the concept of indirect identifiers?
- Email your completed Module 2 Activities to ttt@fpf.org by April 13th and be prepared to discuss during our webinar.
Group Discussion
- Review the Explaining Personally Identifiable Information to Education Stakeholders section of the Forum Guide to Education Data Privacy.
- Find a resource online that does an exceptional job of explaining personally identifiable information to education stakeholders. (Make sure your resource hasn’t already been posted)
- Please post your answer in your group’s channel (#sea-lea, #lawyers, or #teacher-prep) no later than April 13th.
- Please respond to others as they post.
Additional Resources
- For more information on statistical suppression – Statistical Methods for Protecting Personally Identifiable Information in Aggregate Reporting.
- Personally Identifiable Information for Education Records