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- Report
Navigating the Digital Shift 2018: Broadening Student Learning Opportunities
Apr 19, 2019Learn MoreWith support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, this report was launched under the leadership of Christine Fox, SETDA’s Deputy Executive Director with…
- Report
Sunshine Laws in Higher Education
Apr 19, 2019James C. HearnLearn MorePublic higher education is a major recipient of state funding and resources. As such, public colleges and universities directly respond to state needs for hig…
- Uncategorized
Data Systems Overview: A focus on Student Level Data Systems and Privacy
Apr 19, 2019Learn MoreThe NH DoE has developed data collection policies, processes and procedures to strengthen education. This document will walk you through a historical summary d…
- Report
Student Data Privacy Roadmap: Your Guide to Earning the TLE Seal
Apr 15, 2019Learn MoreThis handbook was created to inform school system leaders about the CoSN Trusted Learning Environment (TLE) Seal Program, which supports your commitment to con…
- Other Resources, Report
Implications of the General Data Protection Regulation
Apr 15, 2019Julia Funaki, Brian Flahaven, Joanna Grama, Mark McConahay, Mary Chapin, Tracy Locklin, Caroline Donovan White, Joann Ng HartmannLearn MoreThis document was the collaborative result by representatives from a wide array of professional higher education associations. Once all agreed on the primary p…
- Report
Phishing Simulation Programs
Apr 9, 2019Learn MoreA phishing simulation program (also commonly referred to as “self-phishing” or phishing assessment program) is a customizable awareness program used by informa…
- Report
Department of Education: Student Information Privacy Review
Apr 7, 2019Learn MoreThe purpose of this review was to evaluate the adequacy of DOE’s ability to meet its privacy commitments and stated practices in accordance with generally acce…
- Other Resources, Report
Back to the Drawing Board: Student Privacy in Massachusetts K-12 Schools
Apr 5, 2019Learn MoreThis report outlines recommendations for students, parents, administrators and legislators in approaching student privacy in Massachusetts. It provides example…
- Report
More Than a Number: Tools for Talking about Education Data
Apr 5, 2019Learn MoreThis resource is designed for state and local leaders and advocates to help them plan and act on communications about the value of data and its collection, use…
- Model, Other Resources, Report
Global Kids Online Research Toolkit
Apr 5, 2019Learn MoreThe project developed a global research toolkit that would enable academics, governments, civil society and other actors to carry out reliable and standardized…
- Report
An Introduction to Data Ethics
Apr 5, 2019Shannon VallorLearn MoreThis introductory ethics module for data science courses includes a reading, homework assignments, and case studies, all designed to spark a conversation about…
- Report
Report of the Student Data Privacy Task Force Presented to the General Law Committee Connecticut General Assembly
Mar 25, 2019Connecticut Student Data Privacy Task ForceLearn MoreThis report addresses issues pertaining to the protection of student data, information, content, and records as governed under Connecticut Public Acts 16-189 (…