FPF Policy Brief Child Privacy Federal Bill Comparison
Oct 11, 2022Lauren Merk and Miles LightLearn MoreStudent Privacy and Special Education: An Educator’s Guide During and After COVID-19
Aug 4, 2020Learn MoreCOVID-19 has disrupted education and has forced schools to pivot quickly to a distance learning approach, which is often virtual. Using virtual learning produc…
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Guía para padres sobre la privacidad de datos del estudiante
Oct 17, 2017Learn MoreVivimos en un mundo que cada vez está más conectado, en el que la información fluye entre nosotros, las organizaciones y las compañías con las que tenemos trat…
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Privacy Quick Tips for Vendors
May 21, 2017Learn MoreThis resource contains privacy tips for vendors based on compliance with FERPA and COPPA. This resources also provides an overview of common cybersecurity risk…
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Top 10 Student Privacy Tips for Educators
May 12, 2017Learn MoreThis guide is for educators who wish to better understand their obligations under the variety of student privacy statutes.
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Personal Information Protections By Law (Protected PII Table)
May 12, 2017Learn MoreThis chart provides an overview of what types of personally identifiable information are protected by various federal and state student privacy laws.
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COPPA 101 for Educators
May 12, 2017Learn MoreThis one pager offers an overview of COPPA, including the obligation of schools under COPPA and key terms and definitions.
- News Article, Website
Complying with COPPA: FAQs (Section N)
May 11, 2017Learn MoreThis FAQ document is a guide for businesses and parents on COPPA and a guide for small entities who work with student data on how to remain compliant with COPP…
- News Article
Privacy and Student Data: An Overview of Federal Laws Impacting Student Information Collected Through Networked Technologies
May 10, 2017Learn MoreThe purpose of this document is to provide schools, parents and students alike with an overview of some of the laws that may apply as schools begin to use netw…
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About COPPA
May 10, 2017Learn MoreThis guide discusses the obligations of school officials and service provides under COPPA, including with respect to recent updates to COPPA. We have downloade…
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COPPA: The Basics
May 10, 2017Learn MoreThis FAQ document gives an overview of basics for ed tech professionals and developers to know in advance of updates to COPPA being implemented.
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May 10, 2017Learn MoreThis resource is geared towards education officials seeking to design a BYOD program, including guidance on how to remain consistent with COPPA. We have downlo…