Module 3 – Using Data in Education
Register for the webinar below. Review the resources and complete the Module 3 Activities by May 18th.
Email ttt@fpf.org if you have questions.
Follow Up
For missed webinars, watch the recording and send a paragraph (3-4 sentences) summarizing what you have learned to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 3 Webinar”.
For missed assignments, email your completed individual activities and discussion group responses to ttt@fpf.org with the subject line “TTT Module 3 Individual Activity/Group Discussion”.
CLE Update
CLE Materials
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Ohio
- Missouri
- Kansas
- Utah
Reciprocal Course Approval/Approved Jurisdiction
- California
- Connecticut
- Maine
- Mississippi
- New York
Last updated August 14, 2020.
Webinar Registration
Register for the webinar below. Please note that registration is required to join.
- Read the article “Will You Graduate? Ask Big Data“.
- Create a pros and cons list for predictive analytics in education.
- Read the articles Pearson Tests Growth Mindset Messages in Software and Five Answers About EdTech Experiments: A Response to Benjamin Herold
- Consider which arguments presented by Herold and Reich you agree or disagree with.
- Choose a position to defend and outline an argument to support your position.
- Email your completed Module 3 Activities in a Word or PDF document to ttt@fpf.org by May 18th and be prepared to discuss during our webinar. We will be using breakout rooms and asking all attendees to participate in a type of debate/discussion. You will need your answers to the above questions 1 and 2 for this discussion.
Group Discussion
- Review the tools found in this google drive.
- Is there a resource that could be adjusted to help you in your current work? If so, which one and how?
- Is there a resource that would be helpful for those you will train? If so, which one and how?
- If none of the resources are helpful, find a resource that would be helpful.
- Please post your answer in your group’s channel (#sea-lea, #lawyers, or #teacher-prep) no later than May 18th.
- Explore the saying, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” and the Cone of Learning. How can these two things impact future trainings that you provide?
- How can these two things impact how you structure future trainings that you provide?
- How have we been using these concepts in our training?
- What could we change to appeal to more senses?
- Please post your answer in your group’s channel (#sea-lea, #lawyers, or #teacher-prep) no later than May 18th.
- Please respond to others as they post.
- DQC, Value of Research Appendix
- DQC, When Researchers Have Access to Data, Students Succeed
- DQC, Roadmap for Effective Data Use and Research Partnerships between State Education Agencies and Education Researchers
- DQC, Improving Education Outcomes by Building Data-Driven Relationships
- DQC, Turning Data into Information: The Vital Role of Research in Improving Education
- IES, Research Request Process Toolkit
- Student Data Principles
- NCES, Forum Guide to Supporting Data Access for Researchers: A State Education Agency Perspective (July 2012)
- NCES, Forum Guide to Supporting Data Access for Researchers: A Local Education Agency Perspective (August 2014)
- EdWeek, How Could Opting Out Affect School Ratings?